Surgical Units

Surgical Sciences is the common name of the branches of medicine that can diagnose this necessity and perform the surgery when an operation is required in the body for the patient to regain his health.


  • Brain and Nerve Surgery

  • Dental Treatment

  • General Surgery

  • Interventional Radiology and Oncology

  • Eye Diseases

  • Cardiovascular Surgery

  • Gynecology and Obstetrics

  • Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

  • Orthopedics and Traumatology

  • Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery

  • Medical Pathology

  • Urology

  • Pediatric Surgery

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Brain and Nerve Surgery

Brain and Nerve Surgery


Neurosurgery is the medical term for illnesses of the brain and nerves. The science is concern...

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Dental Treatment

Dental Treatment

Aesthetic Smiles for Healthy Teeth, Porcelain Laminate and ıts Application to Teeth. Zirconium Porcelain Application

In which situat...

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Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiovascular Surgery

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery is performed by following the general principles of heart surgery, but without opening the patient's...

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Aesthetic&Plastic Surgery

Aesthetic&Plastic Surgery

We focus on providing the best care possible and respond the needs all of Turkiye and other cities nearby since the establishment of th...

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Urology is a medical branch that examines and treats disorders of the male and female urinary systems, as well as diseases of the male ...

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Check-Up Program

Check-Up Program

Periodic health tests are required for the early diagnosis and treatment of health problems.

Even if you do not have any health prob...

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